I used a focus group and questionnaire to find out about what kind of music magazine and what genre people in my target market like.
Results showed that
70% people prefer punk rock music over hip hop and r n b
65% people would like to buy a magazine dedicated solely to punk rock
95% females would prefer buying a magazine with a female on the cover page
67% people would buy a magazine if the cover page is attractive
70% people would buy kerrang magazine
95% people chose the name "rock world" for my magazine
88% people chose black and purple as the colour representing punk rock
79% people chose interviews to be the most attractive form of articles
67% people chose the magazine cover page to be simple rather than jam-packed
77% people prefer the magazine to feature well known stars
87% people prefer the model on the main page to be dressed in a "out there" and glamorous fashion style
78% people who prefer punk rock genre belong to the 13-24 age group
After all these results i decided to start my music magazine's construction as it had given me a sense of direction and what the people want in a magazine.